Lynx Fund Managers was established in 2005 with the sole purpose of managing investments. In 2020 Lynx partnered with Graphite Asset Advisory whose investment team contributed considerable alternative, absolute return experience to the Lynx team. The partnership has resulted in an augmented investment committee and team.
Today, Lynx manages several South African local funds in partnership with Prime Collective Investment Schemes Management Company. The funds are managed strategically by the investment committee and tactically by the investment team.
The Lynx investment committee meets monthly to discuss the global and local economic outlook and utilises this framework to establish the long-term strategic positioning of the funds.
The investment committee consists of members from Lynx Fund Managers, led by Bruce Kirsch and Jonathan Ralph, and members from Graphite Asset Advisory, led by Chief Investment Officer, Jacques du Plessis. The committee also boasts regular attendance from other industry specialists and contributions are made by external specialist advisors.
The Lynx Prime co-named funds (as defined in BN 778 of 2011) are registered under the Prime Collective Investment Scheme, managed by Prime Collective Investment Schemes Management Company (RF) (Pty) Ltd (“Prime CIS”) (Registration No. 2005/017098/07), a registered Collective Investment Schemes Management Company in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act 45 of 2002, supervised by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (‘FSCA’).
Lynx Fund Managers (Pty) Ltd is the FSCA approved and appointed investment manager of the co-named CIS funds.
None of the information on this website can be construed as financial advice and past performance is not a guarantee of future performance.