
The Funds are all Collective Investment Schemes in Securities registered and regulated in South Africa. There are four funds with different risk-return profiles suitable for a conservative, moderate or aggressive investor.

The Lynx Prime Cautious Fund of Funds is a low risk, cash plus alternative with a higher component of income. The Lynx Prime Balanced Fund of Funds is a moderate risk profiled, multi asset class fund.

Both the Cautious and Balanced funds are compliant with Regulation 28 for pension fund investors and therefore appropriate for Retirement Funds, Retirement Annuities, Preservation Funds and Living Annuities.

The Lynx Prime Opportunities Fund of Funds is a more aggressive fund, suitable for those investors who wish to have a higher exposure to equities but without all of the volatility of an index.

Lynx Prime Diversified Fund of Funds provides offshore diversification while allowing clients to protect themselves from the possibility of a devaluing Rand. This allows the client to participate in global equity, bond and cash markets, in a low risk manner.

For more information on each of the funds, please see the Minimum Disclosure Document for each fund.

Minimum Disclosure Documents

Subscribing to funds

Retail investors can access the funds via Investec, RMB, Momentum, Sanlam (Glacier) and Galaxy/Fairbairn Linked Product platforms, for discretionary as well as retirement fund products, such as retirement annuities, preservation funds, retirement funds and living annuities.

Private investors with R5 million and more, as well as institutional investors may access the funds directly via the management company, Prime.

For further enquiries, please contact Lynx at